The address: 5, Akademica Pavlova, S-Petersburg, 197022, Russia
Telephones: +7 (812) 336-57-75;
The company was founded in 1992, at the dawn of formation of the present-day Russian economy. Our main goal has always been the high-quality uninterrupted supply of a wide range of pipe products to customers operating in various industries: the energy sector, construction, housing and public utilities. SANESTA’s stocking program is based on the continuous monitoring of customer requests and currently covers more than 600 types of products, all of which are kept in covered storage in a warehouse spanning a total area of 6,000 sq.m. For over the quarter-century since its foundation, the St. Petersburg-based company has substantially expanded its sales geography. Today, SANESTA-METAL deals with customers in 40 of the 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the Baltic states.The company’s partner base encompasses over 2,500 customers and roughly 70 suppliers from 7 countries worldwide.
And – just as 30 years ago – our main products are steel pipes and state-of-the-art customer service.
Our product is steel pipe and service of advanced level.
Today Sanesta-Metal has customers in 40 of 85 subjects of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the Baltic States.
The range of products permanently available in the company’s stock includes more than 600 types and sizes of steel pipes.As of today, this stock inventory is without doubt the largest in the Northwestern Federal District and one of the best in Russia.
100% of our products are kept in covered storage – Russia’s only sheltered pipe barn for water, gas and electric-welded pipes of small and medium diameters. Our customers can choose from a wide array of products with advanced consumer properties: pipes with bright-annealing, exterior polishing, specific length, and in some cases – with corrosion-resistant coating.
St. Petersburg’s fastest warehouse-based customer service rate – no more than 40 minutes on average. To speed up our shipments even more, we’ve set up a queuing system: customers can sign up for the waiting list via the mobile app or by telephone.
Up-to-date information about available pipes can be found on our website There, users can view our available residual stock, “pipes in transit” and our open, hourly-updated pricelist.
Delivery, haulage and precise cutting of pipes to specified lengths, as well as the fabrication of specific blanks, is performed on state-of-the-art equipment.
Our extensive base of domestic and foreign suppliers allows us to offer optimum delivery terms to any customer. Thanks to our dealership agreements with major Russian manufacturers, we are able to offer competitive prices. Our regular customers can opt for deferred payment within the agreed-upon limits.
Personalized experience
We boast a wealth of experience in the supply of advanced, unique and expensive pipe products with multiple additional requirements and specifications. Delivery of pipes with RMRS certificates (Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping), pipes compliant with GUP TEK requirements ((Fuel & Energy Complex State Unitary Enterprise), the St. Petersburg Heating System, Rosatomnadzor (Russian Federal Inspectorate for the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Authority), Aviatekhpriemka (aero-technical final inspection), etc.
The address: 5, Akademica Pavlova, S-Petersburg, 197022, Russia
Telephones: +7 (812) 336-57-75;
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